Our Mission

Helping People Live
Their Best Cognitive

A Life Free From Brain Fog, Memory Failure and the Fear of Cognitive Decline.

The Global Cognitive Crisis
While nutrition science has helped keep our hearts ticking into our 80s, little attention has been given to maintaining a healthy brain. The sad truth is that our brains haven’t kept pace with our bodies and cognitive health issues like dementia are on the rise. Deaths from Alzheimer's have more than doubled between 2000 and 2019, while those from heart disease have decreased.

Globally there are over 50 million people suffering from dementia. That number is expected to rise to 82 million by 2030. The problem is so acute that a 2020 story in The Economist referred to dementia as a “global emergency.”
Helplessness Replaced With Hope
As far back as the 1950s, medical research established a link between poor diet and heart disease. Since then, the nutrition science field has shown convincingly that eating heart-healthy can reduce our risk for heart disease. But what about our brains? Can we maintain brain health and reduce the risk of neurological disease through diet? The answer is YES!

A growing body of reputable research has shown that the prevention of neurodegenerative disease through whole food, plant-based nutrition is possible. Most notably is ground-breaking research from RUSH University's Brain Health Center that associates adherence to the MIND Diet with improved memory of up to 78%, reduced risk of Alzheimer’s Disease of up to 53% and the addition of up to 11 years in cognitive longevity.
Brain Health Advocacy
Good Thinking Foods is here to help you take care of your brain as well as you take care of your heart by creating easy-to-eat foods and snacks that represent the latest in brain health nutrition research. We're not driven by the cult of food or veganism. We're not snake oil salesmen promising a cure. We are science-minded pragmatists who have taken the issue of brain health to heart and are putting the latest discoveries into action.

Ultimately, our goal is to make it as easy for people to eat their way to better brain health and experience their best possible cognitive life. A life free from brain fog, memory failure and the debilitating effect of dementia.

"Debilitating cognitive decline does not have to be your destiny. Keeping your brain functioning at its best comes down to what's on your plate."

– Dr. Martha Claire Morris


After losing his mother to Alzheimer’s Disease, our founder David Hattenbach went on a personal journey to learn ways to lower his risk for the disease. This led him to the ground-breaking brain health research being done at RUSH University and the MIND Diet protocol created there. What he learned forever changed David's approach to food and inspired him to create Good Thinking Foods as a way to help people follow the MIND Diet, get on a path to better brain health and hopefully live a life free from dementia.